Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Compared to my prelim task to this final text, i feel that i have improved as i have learnt to use new programs to give my magazine a better look and opened me up so i am more knowledgable and open minded. When i produced my prelim task i used Microsoft Publisher and that was it. So i was limited to resources. Although it was different to making a music magazine i can see things now that i would change as there are more resources to use.
My final text i think is an improvement as instead of using text boxes to fill in with colour and words i could do it straight onto the image. I also think that since i have done a lot more research on other magazines that there were things i could possibly change but because the research i have done on magazines where music magazines there is a big difference to a school magazine, especially as the ones that i looked at were similar to the one i produced.
The front covers are very different. The prelim task (left) was only produced on Publisher and although i had looked at magazines now i can see things i would change. As a school magazine i think it would be good but i don't like the text boxes down the side as it's not very easy to read the white writing. I kept to the three colours and i think the space was used well with a mid-shot at the centre.
The music magazine is styled totally different, partly because the magazine designs are totally different but also because i had more software to use. I used pixlr and managed to cut out the background to white which made it easier for me when writing on it because all colours show up on white. Also when i research magazines i took into account that most of them had plain backgronds. I kept to the three main colours again to suit my magazine and the style of it. Everything is more in line and i even included a barcode to make it seem even more real.
The contents pages are similar as they both have black backgrounds but the layout is totally different. My prelim task contents page is much more busy with more images and has the twitter and facebook symbols on it to advertise the school. I think for my prelim contents page i should have researched more of the other school magazines contents pages.
My music magazine contents is a lot more simpler with one main image at the top. The three colour's have been continued throughout from the front cover. I edited the photo rather than just taking it and putting it up like i did with the prelim task. Editing the photo meant that i was learning more about the new software i was using (pixlr). I wanted this to be less busy as the music magazines i have looked at were styled less simpler and i found it more appealing, not overpowering.
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