Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Today in our lesson we learnt about the Hypodermic needle theory and the uses and gratification theory.

Hypodermic needle theory:
Mass media are so powerful they can target and inject their messages.
Assumes the audience are passive recievers of the messages who accept or don't challenge the messages.

"With great power comes great responsibility"- From the Spiderman movie

Some people/companies with power and responsibility:
  • Prime Minister
  • The Queen
  • Head Teacher
  • Business Owner
  • Police
  • Doctors, Surgeons
  • The newspapers
  • Music Industry
  • Mayer
  • Government
  • BBC,ITV.channel 4,ABC
Uses and Gratification theory:
Assumes the audience are actually active recievers;they use the media text to gratify(satisfy) certain needs e.g. need for diversion, information, advice etc

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Now that i have started my main task i am to be using different research methods to help get a wide range of information in a variety of different ways.

Primary- research you carry out yourself
  • Questionnaire
  • Survey
  • Focus Group
  • Interview
  • Textual analysis
  • Phone call
  • Letter
  • Email/Text
Secondary- research you find from someone else
  • Books- Library
  • Internet- Google (search engines)
  • Industry Website
  • Websites by individuals
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
Quantitative- research to do with numbers; looking for patterns or trends
  • Questionnaire- can be used both positively and negatively.
Positively because you choose the questions, so it is what you want it to be about.
Negatively because, you could intimidate the person you are asking causing either rushed untrue answers or 'interviewer desirability bias'

 Qualitative- research to do with opinions, words, feelings, in people's responses
  • Focus Groups-can be used positively and negatively.
Positively because you can get a lot of information all at once.
Negatively because they might be shy, or feel pushed towards an answer because their friends went for it. 

These are the four different types of research methods i shall be using to investigate my two chosen music magazines.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

This is my final front cover draft..please comment!

As part of my Coursework to see what to put on the front cover of the school magazine I took part in doing some primary research and interviewed a member of staff and a group of year sevens.                                 
 The results from the member of staff for the front cover and what should be involved inside were:

· Student achievements

· School trips

· Profiles of members of staff

· School menus

· Quizzes/revision aids

· News

· Prizes

The year sevens were:

· Bright colours-red and green

· Prizes

· Embarrassing stories on teachers

· School menus


This school magazine is a very different design compared to the other two that I have looked at and deconstructed. The cover unlike the others has four main colours; blue,white,orange and red.  This cover also has a number of pictures, not just one main one that takes up all of the background space. The photographs show the building and the student that got o this school. The school logo is in the bottom right-hand corner and is rather large. Perhaps to catch people’s eye and stick in their mind so that when they see it again they automatically recognise it. This is also designed simply, not too fussy, clean and approachable.


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

This magazine front cover has three main colours; green, white and grey. The white gives the effect of a classical look which would suggest to the audience that it is a school of a high standard, along with being sophisticated. The layout of the front cover is clean and simple which suggests that it is organised.

The name of the school is in Serif font which gives the effect of traditions and the past. Seems posh, so this also suggests that the school is of a high standard with well accomplished students.

The image was well thought about as it shows the school’s emblem and the schools colours. She is very neat without make-up of piercings, so for me, sets a good example and would help the parents to decide whether to send their child there.


Friday, 1 February 2013

This magazine shows only one main image that is used as the background of the page showing what is presumed the students of the school. The front cover is also simple and clean, which doesn't put the reader off. It's not busy or full up of writing so it doesn't let you know what it includes but also give a un-indimitading approach. The main two colours used are orange writing and a blue which is used in the image. The school embulem is shown in the bottom left corner which gives it an even more formal look and the school name 'The Lion' is in the centre of the page in big bold writing to help catch the audiences attention.

The Lion 2011-12
Hi, my names Rebecca and i am currently in year 12. For my AS Media studies i am doing a *Preliminary exercise* using desktop publisher and a manipulation program. I am going to produce a front page cover of a school magazine with a photo of a student in medium close-up. I will also produce a mock-up of the layout for the contents page. My *main task* will include producing a front page, contents and a double page spread of a new music magazine.